Tuesday, August 4, 2009

First post from Delhi - short, but more to come

So the trip started out a bit rough. My mistake in reading the flight departure put us at the Indiana International Airport about 12 hours early. I do have to say, it is better to be early then late for a flight though. After a few hours of Rahul busting my balls over it, he finally let it go, as we had a good time in Chicago killing the hours. We managed to run in to the city for a few hours, visiting Logan Square and eating at a killer hole-in-the wall dinner. It was Rahul's first experience with Cuban food, and I do have to say, it was a great first experience to have. The empanadas and corn cakes were divine.

So after our rousing adventures in Chicago, always a good place to visit, we boarded our plane a bit early. The flight was comfortable, even for 14.5 hours in coach class, and the landing was hardly noticable. Both Rahul and I slept for about 10 hours on the plane, and experienced something that I have never in my life thought was possible--reverse jetlag. That is right, you heard me, REVERSE jetlag. When we arrived at our hotel finally, around 11p IST, more about the hotel in a future post, we decided to walk around the town a bit. We finally crashed out about 2a, and woke up at 5a, do not ask me why.. We have been running on full steam since this morning, about 10 hours ago. So there you have it, 3 hours of sleep, woke up before most of India, and not a nappy eye in sight. = Reverse Jetlag

I would like to give my first impressions, but we are planning on going to some of the markets soon, which is why I have to cut this short. I promise more about the trip in the next 48 hours.

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